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  • TLDR Biotech - Biotech & Pharma Daily News Update FAQ
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How the TLDR Biotech Daily News updates are formatted

(A list of all the TLDR Biotech Daily News updates can be found here.)

The newsletter is split into three main sections:

  • THE GOOD - good news (eg. fundraises, product approvals)

  • THE BAD - negative news (eg. clinical trial failures, layoffs)

  • THE UGLY - negative but atypical news (lawsuits, product recalls, scandals)

Within each of the three above parts, there are additional sections for easier navigation:

  • Eg. There will be multiple “The Good” sections covering things like Fundraises, Approvals, Partnerships etc.

  • There will be also additional tags within these sections (Eg. fundraises may mention Stage, product approvals may mention drug name and disease area.)

See something you want to get into further? Click the Read More (goes out to either a news article or a press release).

I know paywalls can be annoying, so there’s a [Paywall] tag for any news stories behind one.

One last thing: I’ve heard from a few readers that if they’re clicking the “Read more” hyperlinks within the newsletter from their locally installed email client (eg. Outlook app on PC), they sometimes hit the below firewall:

To get around this, you need to open the newsletter on your browser - this should fix any “Read more” firewall issues.